Moveaide is now bigger, better, stronger!

Over the past months, we’ve received many feature requests from you and as we have been a little stretched, it’s taken us a while to work on them.

Today, we’re releasing some of these new features as part of our continuous efforts to bring value to our members.

Here’s what we have lined up…

Daily summary of reviews received

You will now receive a daily summary of all new reviews published. This will keep you up to date with everything your customers are saying about you.

Score alert feature

Previously, you would only get an email alert whenever one of your customers select “No” to the question “Will you use this mover again?”

Some of our members have expressed that they sometimes get reviews where the customer has indicated that they will use them again but the average review score is below their company average. They have requested that there also be some form of alert when this happens.

We now give you the flexibility to define a negative review.

For example, if you feel that a score below 7 is deemed to be unsatisfactory, you can now set a score alert in your Profile Page.

MoveAide Score Alert Feature


All you need to do is to ensure that the “Activate Score Alert” field is checked before moving the slider to 7 or your preferred score. Once this is configured, you will receive an email alert whenever a published review falls below your preferred score.

Corporate account tracking

We’ve received your feedback that you’d like to compile your customer feedback results by Corporate Account. We’ve now made it possible.

With this new corporate account tracking feature, you can now check the happiness quotient of the assignees of a specific account before making that sales call.

The results can also be exported to an excel report to make contract renewal negotiations or price increases that much easier.

We have prepared a list of short tutorial videos to help you get started on using the Corporate Account Tracking feature immediately. Click here to view these videos.

Scan and Add service

We recognize that some organizations value a high response rate for customer feedback. Unfortunately, online feedback systems are not able to deliver the kind of response rates as compared to the traditional paper and pen method of collecting customer feedback.

We have tweaked our system such that you can now manually input the customer feedback collected via your paper form. You can also scan the forms and send that over to us and we will help provide data entry services at a nominal cost.

There will now be 2 review scores; an internal score and a public score. The internal score is what you will see when you access your Analytics page. The public score is what is shown on the MoveAide site when potential customers are reading your customer reviews.

All review scores will be included in the internal score calculation. However, only published reviews will have their scores calculated for the public score. Whenever an entry is made, the MoveAide system will automatically send a verification email to your customer. The review will only be published online if the customer clicks on the verification link in the email.

To find out more about this new feature, visit our blog article here.

We’re really excited to be adding a wealth of new features to help you with collecting, showcasing and managing your customer feedback. We certainly hope you will find these new features valuable!

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About the author

Chris is responsible for systems development at MoveAide. He is a speed junkie and is currently writing a zombie apocalypse novelette.